About Us

About Mony Winery


On the slopes of the Judean Mountains, on the land of Mitzpe Emek Sorek, under the mantle of a wonderful terroir, lies Mony Winery. The winery was founded by Shakib Ertol, the father of the family and an olive merchant, who came to the magical area of the Sorek Valley from the village of Maghar in the Lower Galilee. 

The olive merchant fell in love with the lush green slopes of the Sorek Valley, and decided to lease agricultural land and plant vines. Why vines? Because of the unique trout of the hills above the Whistling Valley. Shakib Ertol already recognized at that time the potential of the quality of the grapes that the vineyards would yield, and for over two decades it has been clear to everyone how right he was. Today, about 1,000 dunams of vines are planted in the hills around the winery, yielding grapes of wonderful quality.

The winery, named after Dr. Mony Ertol, a member of the family, was established in 2001, and since then produces wine and olive oil with a strong emphasis on quality. Mony Winery is a modern winery with state-of-the-art wine production technologies, which produces a wide variety of wines – Red, white wines, rosé wines and quality dessert wines in several series. Some of the winery’s wines are aged in wooden barrels located in a natural and picturesque limestone cave, which provides the ideal conditions for wine maturation: 17 degrees Celsius, and 80 percent humidity.

The uniqueness of Mony Winery is reflected in the combination of fine vineyards with a wide variety of grape varietals grown at the foot of the Sorek Valley, with unique people who produce it, and with the unique location of the place.

The Ertol family, a Christian-Arab family from the Galilee who moved to the Judean mountains.

Winemaker Sasson Ben Aharon who was appointed head winemaker of the winery in 2014.

Sasson is one of the most esteemed winemakers, with an impressive reputation for making Israeli wine. Sasson, expresses a vinous fingerprint that is felt in all its glory in every bottle of wine.

The location of the winery, overlooking the Sorek Valley completes the uniqueness of the winery.

All these together, create a unique, surprising, high-quality and strictly kosher Israeli wine. The winery, the visitor center, and its location at the lookout point on the valley, provide a unique hospitality experience in front of one of the most beautiful landscapes in the country.

We welcome visits!


The foundation of the winery


The winery was founded by Shakib Artol, the father of the family and an olive merchant, who came to the magical area of the Sorek Valley from the village of Maghar in the Lower Galilee


The winery became kosher


Mony Winery is becoming a kosher winery that can reach all segments of the population and also market to Jewish communities abroad.


welcome sasson ben aharon


Sasson Ben Aharon is appointed the chief winemaker of the winery and brings his unique fingerprint to every wine and wine, in full exclusion.





The winery is celebrating 20 years since its inception, and is coming out with a brand new overall, from the logo to the last of the labels.